We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum (which similar to the French "maternelle" curriculum) and we also draw on other educational methods such as the Montessori method.

We are keen to offer the best of the French and British education systems.


As in the British system, we put a lot of emphasis on:

  • confidence and speaking in public
  • arts
  • outdoor learning


As in the French system, we put a lot of emphasis on:

  • socialising and learning to be part of a group
  • having a clear routine and structure to the day
  • learning to be independent


Our set-up is similar to French maternelles with the following groups:

  • Pré-Petite Section for children who turn 2 years old by 31st December
  • Petite Section for children who turn 3 years old by 31st December
  • Moyenne Section for children who turn 4 years old by 31st December

Classes number are small, between 8 and 16 children depending on their age. Teachers work with small groups of 3-4 children for a number of activities.

​Activities are always planned around a topic (e.g. science, music, emotions, people who help us, etc.) in order to make learning more tangible and fun.

Outings are organised on a regular basis (theatre, museums, farms) to illustrate class-based learning.

PRE-PETITE SECTION -PPS- (2 to 3 years old)

Full or part-time

Preparatory class for the "Petite Section" (PPS), the first year of the French nursery school programme.

The PPS educational programme is aimed at facilitating a child's transition from home to the school environment.

The teacher : child ratio is 1 for 4 children of 2 years.

PETITE SECTION  -PS- (3 to 4 years old)


MOYENNE SECTION -MS- (4 to 5 years old)

Full time only

Classes of "Petite Section" and "Moyenne Section" follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, close to the French curriculum.

The latter establishes 7 main learning areas:

  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  •  Personal, social and emotional development
  •  Understanding the world
  •  Literacy
  •  Mathematics
  •  Expressive arts and design

Daily activities children are engaged in are focused on perfecting skills within these 7 areas of learning.

The teacher : child ratio is 1 for 8 children.

We strive to ensure children have a smooth transition into Reception.

Finally, all children aged 3 and 4 receive a grant of around £1,000 per term

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